Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A case for crybabies and cowards

Currently the Tea Party has upset 8 established Republican candidates. Christine O'Donnell just claimed the latest victory in a stunning upset in Delaware last night. Political pundits are going crazy trying to analyze what this means in the general election come November. Will these victories send a shocking message to the nation come November or will it all be for nothing is too soon to tell.

The Tea Party has been controversial to say the least. It has been fraught with claims of racism, infighting, and most important a general lack of substantial plans, just ideological pandering. While its ideology that wasteful government spending is bad, there have not been any clear cut plans presented to change how Washington does business. Every election, Republicans campaign on the 'cut spending' marketing ploy and every year they get elected they continue to pass bills that include pork projects just as the Democrats do. Why do the American people believe candidates that align themselves with this Tea Party movement believe these people will be any different? Can you think of any politician that wouldn't claim they were the second coming of Christ if it meant people would give them campaign money and allow them to achieve their goals and ambitions? There is a reason why politicians are considered sleazy. Believing an "anti-establishment" candidate cares more about Joe Blow and Mabel the Mom is like believing Lady Gaga cries when winning VMA's because her fans are that special to her.

The question remains. Will these Tea Party upsets be for nothing other than 'sending a message to Washington', that won't be listened to anyway? It will depend on the big donkey and elephant in the room, the Democrats and the Republicans. Republicans are notorious cry babies when they don't get their way and the Democrats are notorious cowards when things aren't going their way. Will the Republicans shy away from backing any Tea Party candidate in the general election like they said of Christine O'Donnell? Will the Democrats continue to be in the corner weeping and assuming defeat already? It will be interesting to say the least if Democrats will begin to rally using the Tea Party victories as a battle cry for its base and Indpendents alike.

The Democrat campaign seems like a no-brainer. They must start firing up their base to get to the polls. Keep, actually correct that. Start pushing the Republicans into a corner about extending the tax cuts to the middle class while cutting them off for the wealthy. Hammer away that nearly every Republican with the exception of John Boehner has said they would allow the tax cuts to expire on all Americans if the rich didn't get breaks too even though all of them are saying raising taxes is the wrong thing to do. Democrats need to start standing behind the things they have done in the past 2 years rather than hide from it. Hiding just makes them look like they've done something wrong which is the entire premise the Republicans are using to fire up their base.

Tea Party victories also mean another important campaign strategy for the Democrats, the Sarah Palin card. Democrats and most Independents hate what Sarah Palin stands for. It would be easy to hedge bets on the fact that their loathing for her has actually multiplied since she was running with John McCain. Polling had indicated her approval numbers are at an all time low. The more visible she has become, the more the love affair has fizzled out. Democrats need to use the notion that to vote for a Tea Party candidate is casting a vote for the Sarah Palin type politicians. Sounds like an easy formula, but will they do it or will they continue to hide in the corner, sucking their thumbs and saying, "I so scared."? There will be upheavals and seats lost, that's a forgone conclusion, but at least fight for those seats and go out with the guns blazing. Go to the old Facebook and Twitter pages, put a map with pictures of the competition with cross hairs on their face! Lock and Reload! When Palin did it and there was controversy about the dangers in doing such a thing, she said the media was lame stream. Question is, will it be lame when the cross hairs are on her and her crew?

For the Republicans to win as many seats as originally projected, they will have to stop with the crybabyitis and support the Tea Party candidates. They face a tricky problem on the tax cut issue but have time on their side. Telling the media they would not support the tax cuts for the middle class if the rich do not get them too will resonate with the voters. With 98% of the population not 'the rich', it will in essence hold the middle class and poor hostage as the Democrats are claiming. Again with the crybabyitis. How do the Republicans idea that  'if you won't let me have all of my way, then you get nothing' stance will go over? They can stall until they go on break for campaigning and claim they will vote to extend the cuts, but will they actually do it after elections are over? Republicans proved what they are all about just days ago. Only 2 Republicans voted for the small business bill that would allow small business $55 billion in tax breaks in the next 2 years. Those 2 Republicans are not up for re-election interestingly enough. Republicans have long fought for fewer taxes and have been hammering the message that cutting taxes will stimulate the economy, so why oh why would they not vote for a bill that gives those small businesses they claim to be a champion for the tax breaks? Even more noteworthy, will the Democrats use this proof of crybabyitis and holding Americans hostage to gain leverage?

Whether Republicans win enough seats to gain control of the House, Senate or both, one thing is for certain, bipartisanship is dead which means our country will continue to head south. If the donkeys and elephants can't play nice when so much is on the line, I wouldn't hold my breath that it will get much better just because a different party is voted in. If the Republicans gain control, will it then be the Democrats obstructing even though it will mean they do so against their own President? Sadly, it may actually happen that way.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Could be a check mate, but the game was already over

This weekend President Obama unveiled his newest FDResque ideas to stimulate the economy. There are the investment in infrastructure and small business tax cuts ideas. Both will most likely never pass this year due to campaigning for the fall. The White House has made clear that Obama will not compromise on extending the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy. Will these ideas call out the Republicans for their obstructionism? The Republicans are stomping the Democrats in the polls because they are fighting like wet cats by hammering the idea that the Democrats have lost touch. Odd, how just a couple years ago the Democrats used this mantra. The big argument you hear the Republicans use is cuts vs. spending. Although they'll have a field day bashing the infrastructure investment, what can they do with the tax cut ideas? If they refuse to compromise on extending the Bush tax cuts to the middle class, they will be called out for looking out for the wealthy.If they refuse to pass the small business tax cuts, it will prove the Democratic assertion that they are the party of 'no'. Obama may have check mated them, but it's too LATE! The game was already over. Why wasn't this done long ago?

The Republicans have spent all year turning the tide, why didn't Democratic leaders lay the smack down and call them out for not passing anything worthwhile? Why aren't they speaking to every news outlet and calling out the some of the lies and setting the record straight? It's ridiculous! The answer is Democrats are notorious cowards. They only rally to elect Presidents, not Congress. What good does it do to get a Democratic President in office if the Republicans have control of Congress? Why do Americans consistently CAUSE this to happen? The Republicans taking over the House and Senate is nothing new. Every time a new party wins the presidency, two years later, just about the time the President is getting the hang of his new digs, the American people vote in his opponents. Why? It's like we have a sick obsession with banging our heads into a brick wall and then whine and complain that its all the politicians fault for our problems.

Is it, is it really? No, it's our cultural problem with patience. We want things to change instantly and when the elected don't deliver, out they go. We fail to see beyond our own noses. Why are so many Americans placing all the blame on the Democrats for this mess? Both parties voted for the stimulus after all. Republicans that did oppose it are handing out big, fake checks in their states and attempting to take credit for the money their state got for a  project, when in fact it was part of the stimulus dollars they opposed and tout their opposition!! Do Americans turn a blind eye to this kind of posturing and bullshit or are we just completely ignorant to using common sense or researching some of the claims both side of the fence make? Why aren't opposing Democrats using those photo ops to hammer away the fact that these people are full of crap? Tonight I was called to take part in a political survey. One of the questions was if I approved or disapproved of Obama's job performance. Tough call. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and am smart enough to realize it could take years to get out of this economic mess. The Great Depression lasted for 6 long years. I also believe he has accomplished quite a lot in the past 18 months for having so many issues to deal with and working with a legislative body that was more interested in proving Obama couldn't pass anything than to actually work for the benefit of the American people. I believe he's doing okay considering, but I am very unhappy with his leadership.

He is not the inspiring man of the campaign.I actually did not like Obama until I was forced to pick between him or Palin. McCain of yesteryear wasn't too bad in my eyes, but Palin pretty much ended that. So I was left with Obama who beat out my choice, Clinton. He has lost his spark and his willingness to fight back. He has lost his ability to rally his wimpy Senators and Representatives. He and his party have come undone, which truly is sad to me. People have forgotten the entire cause of the economic crisis and are completely willing to go back to failed ideology. This election year will be a very sad day indeed. It will prove that, no we can't change.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sarah Palin is the Paris Hilton of Politics

The more the media creates these surveys regarding whether Palin with run for President the more the conservative base will flock to her. On one hand, that isn't a bad thing, on the other hand it just cements the notion the conservative base has that the Democratic side are elitists and don't care about the regular people. The idea that Palin is 'regular people' at this point is laughable. She's a millionaire now and has even more self interest in keeping the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy but for some reason that fact is forgotten by all these people that seem to think she's just like every other hard working family.

The point is, I don't think she has any desire to run for President. I think she is riding the coat tails of her vice-presidential nomination and is trying to rake in as much money and esteem as possible. The Democratic side can't stand her and think she's a joke which is cemented in with every Facebook and Twitter post. The Republican side rushes to her defense every time an article is put out there showcasing her perceived ineptitude. As much as I find her irritating, I have to give her props for making a ton of money. She's the Paris Hilton of politics. Paris Hilton entered the 'lamestream entertainment media' just by associating herself with celebrities and showing up to parties and events posing. She became a brand and made a lot of money on her 'followers'. Palin is no different. She rose to be a star by her association to John McCain. She'll never be taken seriously by everybody, just like Paris Hilton never will. It's impossible for her go much further than what she has already. Her followers will hang on her every word just as Paris Hilton's followers will flock to her. Re branding is a very tough thing to accomplish. Think back when Coke tried to change to Coke Classic. People hated it and demanded they have their Coke back to the way it was. It was a total failure on Coke's part. Even if Palin attempted to become an actual serious contender, she would always be associated with the Palin that she is now. The Palin that she is now is not going to win much Democratic votes or Independent votes. She may not even win all that many Republican votes either. So media, please stop doing these polls, its a waste of time. Why don't they poll how many Americans actually give a crap about anything to do with the 2012 election versus, I don't know, let's say jobs!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Top 10 List of Parenting Teens

So I'm told I need to blog on something totally pointless by my teenage daughter. Okay, prodigy of mine I will. What the hell is up with teenagers these days. Yes, I really did just say that. I'm ready to stand in my yard with a rake and yell at those pesky teens to get off my lawn.

So here are some things I've noticed through all my parenting years.

10. They really have no idea what they are doing when they are not on a phone texting, instant messaging, blaring music or saying idiotic phrases like 'that's gay, whatever, like, or literally.

9. A high pitched ditsy voice has replaced 'valley girl speak'.

8. It's all the fashion rage to show muffin tops and dinner rolls off.

7. 'Reading' apparently is only for text messages or instant messages.

6. A teenager is always too tired to hold a dishcloth but never too tired to hold a phone.

5. Once upon a time if a person touched a hot stove they would say, 'Ow!' and not touch it again. Now apparently teens will touch that stove until they require skin grafts and then decide to burn the skin grafts off.

4. They think you know absolutely nothing and think you have no idea what is going on UNLESS you are watching a movie you have never seen and then it's, 'Why did he say that, what did that mean, where did that come from?", etc. etc.

3. They say things to each other like 'luv ya, miss ya' several times a day to each other one day and then hate them to next. Yes, that's love.

2. They can't spell worth a crap because they are so used to, 'OMG, LMAO, POS.

1. They think you don't know that when they get that high pitched, sweet little voice that you don't know what is coming next, a 'can I' question.

Why doesn't he just say 'People, get a freaking clue!'

Honestly, I didn't want Obama for president from the start. I was against him and was rooting for Hillary. Say what you may about Hillary, but I find her someone who would kick ass if need be. Obama is proving my theory that he is all blow and no go. When Hillary bowed out I even looked into McCain.....that is until I heard Sarah Palin speak and I then hightailed it back to the Democrat side and gave Obama a chance. Obama has completed a lot. There is no denying that, especially considering the obstructionists in the Congress. I realize to the obstructionists it doesn't seem like enough but considering the economy and having to rely on a bunch of old, crybabies, I'd say not too bad so far. Yet, the lies and misconceptions continue and get even more ludicrous. Why? And why hasn't he said anything to fight back? Does he not have access to Facebook and Twitter because it seems all the 'elite and common sense' politicians do, eh hmm Palin. She's annoying with her little Twitter posts, but at least she defends herself.

Jonathon Alter's article in Newsweek, The Illustrated Man discusses the lies out there and the growing hysteria amongst manipulated, foolish American citizens. What I find disturbing is Obama was so slick during his campaign with his impressive oratory skills. I actually disliked him at first for it. Too slick for me, however his speeches had a way affecting people with a passion and belief in something. So why is it he is ignoring all the lies out there? My resolution to this problem would be to tackle it head on. There isn't crap on TV, schedule a fireside chat like Roosevelt to ease people's fears. Flat out tell people to get a clue and focus a little bit. The economic fall wasn't caused by him and it takes time to recover. Give a little history lesson of the Depression years and how slow that recovery was or how about the 70's and 80's recessions. Don't allow obstructionist, opportunist to stir the pot of lies. All this, 'is he or isn't he' a Muslim business, same thing. Go out there and say, 'This is America dammit! Even if I were a Muslim who the hell cares? There is no religious requirement for being a President! Religion and politics have no place together despite what Beck & Palin preach to you!'

He needs to get out there and tackle these lies and be aggressive and condescending about it. What difference does it make if he offends? If he doesn't tackle it, he'll lose re-election anyway. If he does attack the lies, at least he'll have the respect and votes of those that supported him initially. But to ignore them, is showing cowardice and if he can't protect himself , defend his policies and family, why would voters expect him to defend and protect them?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Boehner the Bonehead

As many of you probably don't know Minority House speaker John Boehner laid out his "economic plan". This involved calling for Obama to fire his economic advisors, extend Bush tax cuts to everybody rather than just the rich, challenging the old ways of Washington, and a few ideas to cut federal spending without and this is a big shocker.....going into detail of how to do that. In 2006 James Sherk wrote about how successful the tax cuts were, that Americans really do know how to spend their money much better than government, that there is no need for all those silly rules and regulations on big business. What I say is REALLY? Are we really that much better? What did it lead to? More savings by the American people or more "I need this. I need a bigger house to show off my wealth. I need more cars. I need more expensive clothes for my kids." ?? Let's face it, we didn't do much better. The housing crisis played a huge roll in this economic downward spiral people. People being stupid with their money and buying houses they couldn't afford caused this. Banks that were not properly regulated allowed people to get mortgages common sense would say a person couldn't afford. The result, mortgages went unpaid. Banks were stuck with over valued homes. So yes, while there may have been some job recovery during this so called growth period in 2003, it also was the beginning of very aggressive 'living beyond your means'.

I find it interesting that during the recession of 2001, the recession was excused away by Republicans at the time for being a result of the 9/11 terror attack, the tech bubble collapse and stagnant investment but when a significant recession that the Democrats inheirted, the recession is just blamed on the Democrats. Maybe just maybe this recession happened because of the housing market crash perpetuated by people overspending and lack of regulation in big business. Which party brought that on? The Republicans held the majority during almost all of Bush's years in office and what did they do? NOTHING. The so-called welfare state did not roll back at all, it actually increased people with the prescription drug plan!! No federal programs or departments were eliminated, they were actually increased with the invention of the all but useless Homeland Security department! People are delusional if they think things will change when midterm elections come up. The only thing that will change is more and more of wasting time debating and posturing.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Building infrastructure is the key to getting out of the economic slump

The bullet train is a prime example of the kind of investment the country needs to make to get out of the economic slump. FDR's New Deal is a prime example of how spending money created jobs which then in turn made money. China has been investing billions in building its infrastructure and developing clean energy. China recently surpassed Japan as the 2nd largest economy China has already knocked off Great Britain, Germany, and France. Next up, the United States.

What has the United States done? Paid Congressmen and women to DEBATE about making change. Wasting tax money on frivalous committees and debated ad nauseum over what to do. They remind me of a bunch of dithering old ladies bickering about which dish soap is the best. Meanwhile our biggest economic threat is laughing all the way to the bank and making progress.

This bullett train is similar to FDR's program to build up roads, bridges, highways. Think of all the progress that happened during his presidency. Think of the millions of people that were stricken by the Depression and Dust Bowl that found employment in all those government sponsored programs. Yes, it cost a lot of money, but just look at how America grew following that!!! The government needs to begin at the bottom again and invest in our educational system, our infrastructure and then worry about funding idiotic projects like how monkeys act on drugs!!! All these ridiculous studies and projects that billions of money go to are what is bringing our nation down. Blaming one administration is a fruitless exercise. He's only been in office for a short time. It's all these other bozos that need to be blamed. They have been in office for decades and decades and haven't done squat but bicker and spend. If a person wants to blame ANYBODY for the crisis the country is in, BLAME YOURSELVES!!!! Who exactly kept voting these dithering old fools in REPEATEDLY??????????????????????????/ Just saying!